Welcome to your Spiritual Gifts Assessment

This ASSESSMENT concerns education and a ministry paradigm shift. For “Best Practices,” it should cover 3-4 hours. The book below is the primary resource from which this ASSESSMENT was taken. Read, prayerfully, the instructions, relax, and respond as organically as possible and let this tool help you pinpoint YOUR Gifts.

Spiritual gift book

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Discovering Definitions and Scriptures for Spiritual Gifts

Administration – The ability that God gives to certain believers to organize and coordinate the Church toward its divinely appointed mission. It includes the ability to plan, launch, and complete ministry-related projects to fulfill the needs of God’s cause. (Read Luke 14:28-30; Acts 6:1-7; 1Corinthians 12:4, 28; Titus 1:5).

Apostle – The ability God gives to certain believers to go where He sends them to preach/teach to people the truth about God. These individuals are often sent to areas where culture and language differences might be evident. (Read Romans 1:1; Galatians 1:1; 1Timothy 1:1; 1Peter 1:1).

Celibacy – The ability God gives to certain believers to abstain from sexual interaction willingly and cheerfully, and to live victoriously overcoming sexual temptations. (Read Matthew 19:11, 12; 1Corinthians 7:7, 8).

Discerning of Spirits – The ability God gives to certain believers to distinguish between truth and error and between the influence of the Holy Spirit and evil spirits. (Read Matthew 16:21-23; Acts 5:1-11; 16:16-18; 1John 4:1-6).

Evangelist – The ability God gives to certain believers to share the gospel with unbelievers in such a way that men and women become Jesus’ disciples and responsible members of the Church. (Read Acts 8:5, 6, 26-40; 14:21; Ephesians 4:11-14; 2Timothy 4:5).

Exhortation – The ability God gives to certain believers to minister words of comfort, consolation, and counsel to other believers of the body in such a way that they feel helped. (Read Mark 12:41-44; Romans 12:8; 2Corinthians 9:2-8).

Exorcism – The ability God gives to certain believers to detect and expel demons or evil spirits. (Read Mark 5:1-15; Luke 10:17-20; Acts 8:5-8; 16:16-18).

Faith – The ability God gives to certain believers to believe, trust, and hope in His word of promise and to demonstrate confidence and inspire other believers to accept and act on God’s will and purposes. (Read Acts 27:21-25; Romans 4:18-21; Hebrews 11).

Giving – The ability God gives to certain believers to contribute their material resources to the ministry of the Lord liberally and cheerfully. (Read Mark 12:41-44; Romans 12:8; 2 Corinthians 8:1-7; 9:2-8).

Healing – The ability God gives to certain believers to serve as healing mediators for God to cure illness and restore health. There service might be apart from the use of natural or medical professional means. (Read Acts 3:1-10; 5:12-16; 9:32-35; 1Corinthians 12:9, 28).

Helps – The ability God gives to certain believers to use their talents to assist in facilitating practical needs of others and thereby empower them to develop effectiveness in expressing their own spiritual gifts. (Mark 15:40, 41; Luke 8:2, 3; Acts 9:36; Romans 16:1, 2).

Hospitality – The ability God gives to certain believers to demonstrate a receptive disposition in various settings by offering meaningful welcome, information, and basic assistance. (Read Acts 16:14, 15; Romans 12:9-13; Hebrews 13:1, 2; 1Peter 4:9).

Intercession – The ability God gives to certain believers to pray compassionately for others and to observe specific answers to their prayers. (Read Acts 12:7-12; 1Timothy 2:1, 2; Colossians 1:9-12; 4:12; James 5:14-16).

Interpretation – The ability God gives to certain believers to interpret tongues and potentially confusing information so that others can understand and be edified. (Read 1Corintians 12:10, 30; 14:13, 26-28).

Knowledge – The ability God gives to certain believers to discover, analyze, and clarify information which is pertinent to the well-being of the Church. (Read Acts 5:1-11; 1Corinthians 2:14; 12:8; Colossians 2:2, 3).

Leadership – The ability God gives to certain believers to direct and inspire others to minister effectively and is exercised with the attitude of humility. (Read Acts 7:10; 15:7-11; Romans 12:8; 1Timothy 5:17).

Mercy – The ability God gives to certain believers to comfort or help those who need restoration. A special sensitivity toward persons who need reconciliation and revival. (Read Matthew 25:34-40; Mark 9:41; Luke 10:33-35; Acts 11:28-30).

Miracles – The ability God gives to certain believers to perform powerful acts which glorify Him and edify His mission of redemption. (Read Acts 9:36-42; 19:11-20; Romans 15:18, 19; 2Corinthians 12:12).

Missionary – The ability God gives to certain believers to share His mission of salvation cross-culturally, and in areas that might be away from their geographical origin and dark to the light of truth. (Read Acts 8:4; 13:2, 3; Romans 10:15; 1Corinthians 9:19-23).

Pastor – The ability God gives to certain believers to shepherd other believers for their spiritual welfare, through counseling and encouraging believers to walk with Christ and discover and develop their spiritual gifts. (Read John 10:1-18; 1Timothy 3:1-7; 1Peter 5:1-3).

Prophecy – The ability God gives to certain believers to receive and communicate His message, so that hearers will be challenged to consider and respond in faith and might include predictive content. (Read Luke 7:26, 27; Acts 15:32; 21:9-11; Romans 12:6).

Service – The ability God gives to certain believers to engage and assist individuals and groups in fulfilling their needs. The ability to make prudent use of resources to meet those needs in practical ways, without demand for distinction or reward. (Read Acts 6:1-7; Galatians 6:2, 10; Titus 3:14).

Teaching – The ability God gives to certain believers to instruct and communicate His word effectively. (Read Acts 18:24-28; 20:20, 21; Ephesians 4:11-14).

Tongues – The ability God gives to certain believers to speak another language not previously learned to glorify God and authenticate the message of salvation. (Read Mark 16:17; Acts 2:1-3; 10:44-46; 19:1; 1Corinthians 14:13-19).

Voluntary Poverty – The ability God gives to certain believers to sacrifice material comfort and or luxury and adopt a simpler lifestyle to serve Him more effectively. (Read Acts 2:44, 45; 4:34-37; 2Corinthians 6:10; 8:9).

Wisdom – The ability God gives to certain believers to apply knowledge or information for its greater practical benefit and impart wise counsel from God’s word. (Read Acts 6:3, 10; 1Corinthians 2:1-13; James 1:5, 6; 2Peter 3:15, 16).

Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts by Pinpointing Your Gift Cluster

You will find the following Spiritual Gifts Discovery Inventory helpful in pointing out your cluster of gifts. Richard F. Houts prepared the questionnaire originally. It was later modified by C. Peter Wagner, formerly of Fuller Evangelistic Association, and then further adapted and expanded by Mark A. McCleary and Terrence D. Griffith (1997) in the first version of A Guide for Discovering YOUR Spiritual Gifts. The following survey is the latest amended and more comprehensive edition of Houts’ original questionnaire.

Follow these steps as you take this survey inventory:

  1. Begin with prayer for guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  2. Answer each of the statements by selecting very much, sometimes, a little, or not at all.
  3. Read each statement with focused attention, then answer as you honestly think or feel it applies to you at that moment.

Spiritual Gifts Survey-Inventory
Select the answer to indicate that the statement has been satisfactorily experienced in your life or if you honestly think, believe, or feel you have this ability.

In groups lacking organization, I tend to step in and do what is needed for organizational success.

I have frequently responded to appeals to preach/ teach the gospel to unbelievers and the unchurched in non-believer settings.

I enjoy being single while sensing God’s call to minister as a single believer.

Others have reported of my ability to distinguish the genuine from what is untrue.

I have led others to accept Jesus as their savior through faith in His word.

I enjoy encouraging anyone who is discouraged and troubled to trust God and experience His joy.

I have frequent experiences of having commanded evil spirits out of a possessed individual and it exited according to God’s word.

Other group members usually look to me for guidance, direction, and leadership.

I am a good money manager and a liberal contributor to the Lord’s work.

The Lord has used me to cure diseased individuals with immediate effects.

I enjoy assisting others, via relief or help, to complete an essential task.

I frequently make my home available to persons needing lodging.

I spend MUCH time each day praying for others and ministry matters.

God has given me ideas for understanding when others were teaching or speaking in tongues.

Others have told me I have helped them distinguish key and important facts of scripture.

When I speak for God, people seem to listen, agree, and follow my instructions.

I desire to work with those who have physical or mental problems to alleviate their suffering.

I have often heard others testify of specific instances wherein my prayers or participation resulted in a supernatural intervention.

I feel comfortable sharing the gospel with unbelievers of different ethnic or minority backgrounds and seem accepted by them.

I enjoy serving and coordinating people by helping them grow from failure to success.

I have a desire to speak direct messages from God that edify, exhort, or comfort others

I enjoy being called upon to do jobs and or ministry for others.

I have been told that I have helped many people learn Biblical truth that is meaningful.

I have spoken in tongues in private or public settings.

I choose to live among the poor people so I can share the gospel of and empower them.

I consistently apply spiritual and practical knowledge that is beneficial to daily situations.

I enjoy the details of organizing ideas, people, resources, and time for more effectiveness.

I have fulfilled a few ministry assignments of being sent to “foreign” areas to teach the salvation message.

Many have stated that I seem indifferent yet satisfied about not having been married.

I can recognize and report the presence of God on others and in various situations.

I love to share how Christ has saved me from sin and destruction with unbelievers.

I have a resume of effectively motivating people to get involved in meaningful ministry.

I have observed instances of demon possession (i.e., behavior, voice-controlled) by certain individuals.

I believe God for the impossible and have seen my faith realized in tangible ways.

I systematically give more than tithe and offerings to the Lord’s work.

I enjoy praying and ministering wherein sick people have been healed as a result.

I have had other people express appreciation because I helped them become more effective

I enjoy making people feel at home and eating well.

I take prayer requests seriously by adding them to my “personal” prayer list.

I have interpreted expressions of tongues so that listeners were edified, exhorted, or comforted.

I have shared spiritual truth which others have said helped bring them closer to God.

Others follow my leadership because they have confidence in my know-how and abilities.

I enjoy caring for others who have had material and physical needs.

God has used me to perform supernatural signs and wonders that have been acknowledged by others.

I enjoy learning another language or ministering to a different culture of people God’s message of salvation.

I enjoy the responsibility and application of things needed for the well-being of other Christians.

God has enabled me to reveal specific things that would happen in the future.

I am eager to accept or volunteer to serve others or my church family.

I am frequently affirmed for explaining Bible truth in a relevant way.

I have proclaimed a revelation from God to other believers in an unlearned language.

I am excited about living a simple lifestyle so I can better promote the gospel.

I tend to arrive at solutions to complicated problems for the practical benefit of those interested.

I have a good history of making effective and efficient plans for accompanying group goals.

I enjoy speaking for God to unbelievers calling them to obedience and holy living.

As a single believer, I am glad I have more time to serve the Lord and my community.

I have had several occasions wherein I noticed the influence of evil spirits and error.

Non-Christians have reported that I have a positive effect on them for developing faith in Christ.

People come to me for counsel they say has been helpful in relieving and healing them.

I have been called multiple times when someone has been suspected of being demon possessed.

Others have told me that I have faith to accomplish what seems impossible to them.

I have been moved by appeals to give to God’s work, and usually the money and means to respond.

I am aware of several individuals who have been healed after I ministered to them.

I enjoy doing routine tasks that has led to more effective ministry by others.

When people come to my home, they indicate that they feel at home.

Intercessory prayer is one of my favorite ways of spending time and doing gospel ministry.

I have a strong desire to interpret if someone speaks in tongues.

After studying God’s word, I can share its values and principles for furthering His kingdom.

Others seem to accept the goals and I plan I set.

I enjoy visiting the sick and infirmed because I can share God’s message of hope, healing, and reconciliation.

God has consistently performed supernatural and impossible things through my ministry to others.

I relate well with people of different a race or culture as I seek to fulfill God’s mission.

I am confident of giving guidance and direction to believers and or other non-believers.

I have told often that I have communicated timely and urgent messages which must come from the Lord.

Several individuals have testified that I seem to enjoy routine tasks and do well at them.

I devote considerable time learning Biblical truth to communicate them to others.

I frequently speak to God in a language I have never learned.

Although I am not poor, I can identify with the poor so I can win them to Christ.

When people have had various problems, I have frequently guided them to useful solutions.

I can give directions to others that they find useful in accomplishing their tasks.

I prefer ministry opportunities involving areas that need development for sharing the gospel.

I am single and willingly, with God’s help, control my sexual desires.

I can recognize whether a person’s teaching is from God, Satan, and or of human origin.

I get inspired when I have opportunity to share my faith with unbelievers to lead them to lifestyle solutions.

I desire to counsel and encourage the perplexed, guilty, or discouraged to think and behave productively.

I have prayed and or participated in efforts that helped deliver someone else from demonic oppression.

There have been times when I have felt sure I knew God’s will even when others were not so sure.

I give so much to others because I am confident that God will meet my needs.

I have prayed for others that their physical healing would occur, and it was, immediately.

I enjoy doing things behind the scenes to help others and seeing them benefit.

I have been told, on a regular basis, that I am a very hospitable person.

Others have told me that my prayers for them have been answered in tangible ways

I have interpreted the “message” of others via an unknown tongue so that others have reported they have been informed and blessed.

I read, study, and learn from the Bible so I can communicate Biblical truth clearly.

When I join a group, others seem to prefer and expect me to provide leadership.

I sense a call to minister to the fallen and those in need of holistic restoration.

I believe I am God’s instrument to bring supernatural transformation to circumstances.

I am willing to leave familiar surroundings if it would enable me to share Christ with more people.

I have helped fellow believers by prayer, Bible instruction, and applying its teachings in their everyday living.

I have a strong sense of what God wants me to say to people to help them mature in Christ.

I prefer directly and in practical ways helping and serving others rather than just talking or reading about ministry.

I enjoy communicating Biblical truths to others and seeing positive changes in their attitudes, values, and conduct.

I have given public messages in tongues that were interpreted for sake of edification.

Other have told me I sacrifice material resources for sake of ministry.

I have been frequently told that I understand and apply Biblical truth in meaningful ways for fellow believers

I enjoy bearing the responsibility for the success a task within my church or assigned ministry.

I prefer ministering in situations wherein I am away from home or dealing with previously unentered areas.

I cheerfully identify with Paul’s desire for others to be single as he was to do ministry.

I can tell whether a person or their message is from God or not.

I am attracted to non-believers because of my desire to win them to Christ.

I urge others to seek a Biblical-based solution to their interests and concerns.

Whenever I have cast out demons, I have always called on the name of Jesus.

I agree with others who have told me that I express unusual vision, confidence, and expectation.

I am willing to maintain a lower standard of living to donate time, talent, and treasure to God’s work.

On several occasions, when I have prayed for the sick, I or they reported a sense of God’s presence and healing power.

I am not interested in rewards when I serve the Lord, just helping His people.

I have a desire to make my home available to those in the Lord’s service whenever needed.

I recognize God’s voice speaking to me in response when I pray for others.

I have interpreted tongues wherein it was a message from God for His people.

I can discover truth through reading or observing situations.

Things seem to run smoothly when I am in leadership position.

I enjoy ministering to the discouraged, guilt-ridden, and or someone in prison.

I have observed supernatural recovery when I have prayed in the name of the Lord.

I have a strong desire to see and help people of other countries being won to the Lord.

People have told me that I have helped them in their spiritual and social living & restoration.

I seem to know what God wants me and others to do in ministry at a specific point in time.

I am frequently asked to do different things, even menial tasks and I do them cheerfully.

I gain great satisfaction in studying the Bible and sharing what I have learned.

When I speak in tongues, I believe it is edifying the Lord’s body.

I am especially accepted by poor and less fortunate people because I choose to live at their social-economic level.

I have felt the presence of God with personal confidence when important decisions needed to be made.

POSTED BY Mark McCleary | Feb, 01, 2021 |
  • Judith

    I am still learning the bible and some of those questions that were asked Wasn’t Applicable to me because i have never experienced most of those things. One question in Particular about speaking in tongues; I have never spoken in Tongues before

    • Thanks for your comments Judith. I need clarity as to what you are referring. Is is something on my website or taught on another occasion?

    • Ms. Judith, Apologies for just now responding. I have to do better with notification timing. Nevertheless, I hope 3MMM can help you improve your Bible study mechanics, understanding and application. In the meantime, you can contact me via mcclery.mcclery@gmail.com if you wish my help. I also do Bible study via YoutTube, FB, and LinkedIn stream Tuesdays, 7PM (EST). Use my website Contact Us for any other messaging. Lastly, I’d be happy to help you gain more satisfaction from this SG assessment if you desire it.

      In His service,
      Dr. Mark A. McCLeary

  • Mitzie Brooks

    So, I did this assessment because I was asked to before accepting a specific Ministry leadership in my church. I still do not see the relevance.

    • Forgive my tardy response. Just returning from a ministry trip to Ghana and recovering from illness. Anyhow TOOL, Ms. Brooks, I assume that relevance is more about your local church leadership and context. I developed this tool to assist those sites that wanted to revive and apply a more biblical model of ministry than our traditional organizational/ hierarchal approach. If you truly want to understand the basis for this thinking, I suggest you study the guide book I co-developed. It is rooted in biblical grounding for an Spiritual Gifts approach to ministry. If you want to speak with me further, use mccleary.mccleary@gmail.com or Contact US via my website (www.3mmm.org).

      In His service,
      Dr. Mark A. McCleary


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