2405353934 mccleary.mccleary@gmail.com 13842 A (144) Outlet Dr Silver Spring, MD 20904

Ministry and Pastoral Services

ACTIVE Ministries Offerings

3MMM, Inc. (Pastor Doctor Mark A. McCleary) lists the ministries below for your review and to receive and process your invitation for any of these ministry offerings. Each will be provided with the professional experience of one with 46+ years of church-congregational-member-community ministry expertise. Each offering is biblically grounded and will be presented with your personal and organizational needs in mind. Select what ministry is relevant to your interest and or concern. Review it carefully and complete and submit the one you desire.

Pastoral Services




Marriage Counseling

Ministerial Workshops

Church Growth & Evangelism

Conflict Resolution

Prayer Ministry

Singles Ministry

Small Group Ministry

Spiritual Gifts Training

Mens Ministry

Youth Ministry

Women's Ministry